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Home » 460 Ford Head Bolt Torque Specifications and Procedure

460 Ford Head Bolt Torque Specifications and Procedure

About the 460 Ford Engine

The 460 Ford engine is a powerful V8 engine that was produced by Ford Motor Company from 1968 to 1997. It belongs to the Ford 385 engine family and is known for its large displacement and high torque output. The 460 engine was commonly used in heavy-duty trucks, as well as in performance cars and boats. With its robust design and impressive performance capabilities, the 460 Ford engine has become a popular choice among automotive enthusiasts and those in need of a reliable and powerful engine.

460 Ford Head Bolt Torque Specifications

When assembling or reassembling the cylinder heads of a 460 Ford engine, it is crucial to tighten the head bolts to the correct torque specifications. This ensures proper sealing and prevents any potential leaks or damage. The following table provides the recommended head bolt torque specifications for the 460 Ford engine:

Stage Torque Specification (ft. lbs.) Torque Specification (Nm)
Stage 1 80-90 108-122
Stage 2 90-100 122-136
Stage 3 90-100 122-136
Stage 4 90-100 122-136

Head Bolt Torque Procedure

To properly torque the head bolts on a 460 Ford engine, follow these steps:

1. Start by cleaning the threads of the head bolts and the bolt holes in the engine block using a suitable cleaning agent.
2. Apply a small amount of engine oil or assembly lubricant to the threads of the head bolts.
3. Install the cylinder heads onto the engine block, ensuring proper alignment and placement of the head gaskets.
4. Begin the torque sequence by tightening all head bolts to the Stage 1 torque specification (80-90 ft. lbs. or 108-122 Nm) in the recommended sequence.
5. Repeat the torque sequence for Stage 2, Stage 3, and Stage 4, gradually increasing the torque to the specified range (90-100 ft. lbs. or 122-136 Nm).
6. Double-check the torque on all head bolts to ensure they are within the specified range.
7. Finally, perform a final torque check after the engine has reached operating temperature to account for any thermal expansion.

By following these torque specifications and procedures, you can ensure that the cylinder heads of your 460 Ford engine are properly secured and sealed, allowing for optimal performance and reliability.

Remember, it is essential to consult the specific service manual or manufacturer’s guidelines for your particular engine model to ensure accuracy and safety during the head bolt torque process.

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